
Macintosh 12 rgb display
Macintosh 12 rgb display

macintosh 12 rgb display

between the two drive bays we have a speaker and a small fan. This machine when I got it had the hard drive removed but you can see where it would be mounted. Here is the inside with the top cover removed and we can see the motherboard is very small and compact. Next to that we have a 15 pin video port for the built in video, an apple printer, modem port an external SCSI port a ADB port for keyboard and mouse and finally two audio jacks for speakers and mic. The LC does not support soft power on from the keyboard so powering on and off is done via the rear switch. Looking at the rear of the LC was have a standard connector for a power cable as well as a switch. Usually as with this model that space was occupied by a 30 to 80GB 50 pin SCSI hard drive. The two drive versions were not very popular but you can see on the left where another floppy drive could be placed. The LC sports one or rarely two 1.44mb floppy drives. The case is remarkably small and light and despite being all plastic it holds up as there are only two fairly sturdy plastic tabs on the rear that secure the top of the case down. This case became known as the “Pizza Box” case due to its similarity to the shape of a Pizza Box.

macintosh 12 rgb display

The first thing one notices about the LC is its extremely thin and light case.

macintosh 12 rgb display

This was Apples stab at making a low cost color Macintosh for the family and the educational market. The LC in Apples 1990 Macintosh LC stands for “Low Cost” or “Low Cost Color” so one wouldn’t be shocked to to find that the machine is hindered performance wise. The machine is purposefully held back in so many ways that performance is severely impacted yet it was still successful and is still an enduring member of the Macintosh family. The Macintosh LC, if not Apples most crippled computer must be up in their top 5.

Macintosh 12 rgb display